Dream Interpretation

As humans, we have looked to our dreams for wisdom and guidance since our early history. Dream interpretation was often considered a sacred and powerful skill granted only to those who could walk in another world – a world of symbol and mystery.

Cosmic Snapping FingersSymbols are the language of the unconscious, just as words are the language of the conscious mind. Symbols are images that hold meaning, even if words are used to evoke the image, as is done in poetry, lyrics, and novels. Dream symbols can hold meaning on many levels.


  • Personal Symbols
  • Family Symbols
  • Cultural & Subcultural Symbols
  • Archetypal Symbols.

Sun Breaking thtrough DarknessThe Dreamwork that we do together will help you explore the different meanings of the symbols in your dreams. Because your experiences in life and how you have reacted to and integrated those experiences are unique, only you can know the full meaning of your dream symbols.

You are the ultimate authority on what your dreams mean.

You are your best dream interpreter.

And I would be delighted to help you access that sacred and powerful skill. I am practiced in many Dreamwork Techniques that can help you on your Quest.

Call me at 510-387-0341 for a free interview.

Copyright Renee Beck, LMFT Oakland Dreamwork & Transpersonal Therapy. Clinical Consultation & Supervision. Transpersonal CEUs. 510-387-0341